You are not alone. Over a thousand people just like you have attended the Residential Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program™. Coming to us with their individual stories of brokenness, pain, oppression, shame, numbness, confusion, addiction, abuse, despair, and hopelessness, we have watched them learn, embrace, and apply the information, tools, and interventions of the program. They found hope and a voice again. Here are just a few of their real stories.
I was ready to leave the program and had started packing my bags when the program administrator showed up at my door. After talking to me for a while, she then did something that perplexed me – she started crying. I found it so strange that someone would care that much about ME. There was a myriad of things that brought me to where I am today but it was the love I experienced at this program that was something like I had never experienced before in my life. They continued to go out of their way to make ensure my success. Two months after my extended stay, my tests revealed I was depression free, anxiety free, and medication free – and I have stayed so since then. Today, I am one of the 10-day residential program nurses and work with Dr. Nedley numerous programs per year. I get to give back to others what I was so freely given.
— Previously Tried to Commit Suicide 5 Times
Before Depression Recovery I felt inadequate and ineffectual in every task. I embraced the thought of peace in death. At Depression Recovery my counselors gave insight to the deplorable self-talk I was engaged in. I have been given the tools of cure. For largely the first time, I see hope!
— High School History Teacher
Prior to coming to Depression Recovery I had started to dread each new day. I felt frustrated and helpless! I had become very tired and hopeless of life getting better soon. DR has changed the course of life for my husband and me. I feel rested and full of joy. My husband’s emotions are waking up and his personality emerging. He is much more positive.
— Married to A Chronically Depressed Spouse for Many Years
My anxiety and fear were holding me back from fully living my life and being truly present. During Depression Recovery I learned that I do have the power to face my fears head on and conquer them. My trust and faith have been deepened and I feel a sense of hope and excitement for the future.
— Young Mother of Three Children
Life was one mind numbing experience after another. Negative thoughts always seemed to be swirling around in my head. I was a little skeptical, but I took a leap of faith—especially considering the cost. Right now I think: You’ve given us a very good deal. My mind is thriving. I can’t believe this is me.
— Divorced Mother, Recently Remarried
For a long time, I closed myself off from everything and everyone. I just swallowed myself in my grief. Because of this program, my hope has been restored, my joy has been restored, and my health is slowly being restored.
— College Drop Out, Brother Recently Committed Suicide
Before Depression Recovery I felt nothing. I was just existing but not experiencing life. Nothing gave me happiness or pleasure. At Depression Recovery I started noticing a change… shed a few tears and laughs. My emotions are coming back. I’m even smiling.
— Young Post-college Working Man with OCD and Depression
I spent most of my life in an unconsciously calculated way of slow suicide and self-sabotage. Coming here was my last hope. At Depression Recovery, through the lectures, CBT, exercise, nutrition, hydrotherapy, etc., I have been able to reconnect with God. It gives me hope—and that’s what I’d lost.
— High-functioning Alcoholic
Before Depression Recovery, I was hearing thoughts like ‘I hate myself,’ ‘I’m such a failure,’ and ‘It would be better off if I were just dead.’ I was a truly miserable person on the inside trying to keep it together on the outside. While here, God has turned my brain on again. I feel such a happy soberness.
— Woman with Severe Depression and Broken Marriage